What do your shoes say about you? Probably quite a bit more than you imagine. Our fashion and clothing choices are increasingly having an impact on the way in which we are perceived by others, so making the right footwear choice could put you ahead of the game.

Examples of how our clothing choices can make a difference are all around us. If you choose to wear a hooded top here in the UK, for example, then don’t be surprised if you are refused admission to certain shopping centres, stores and leisure facilities.

Hooded tops (so-called hoodies) have become associated with a particular group of young people in society. Wearers are, as a result, often viewed as being threatening. The elderly often feel particularly wary.

This may seem like an extreme example of how we are judged based on what we wear, but such judgements are made on a daily basis. In case you’ve not realised, other people are judging you in this way too.

If you don’t believe me, then think about how you feel when you go to a meeting with a bank manager or financial expert. You expect them to have a lot of knowledge about money.

What if you arrived at the meeting to find them sat at a desk, wearing an old tracksuit. Whether you like it or not, you’ll immediately start to consider their abilities.

Why, after all, are they not wearing a suit? This is just one example of an occasion where clothing matters. Some would suggest that it matters more than it should.

The situation is replicated when it comes to shoes. Take a look at the shoes that you are wearing currently. What messages are you sending out?

If you want to be taken seriously, then there are still situations where you’ll need to wear footwear that is deemed to be appropriate.

Clifford James specialise in providing a range of shoes, including those suitable for more formal occasions. Take care when choosing a new pair of shoes, especially if they are to be worn at the office or when attending a wedding.

Your shoes say an enormous amount about you.