Besides bags and purses, shoes are items that women cannot have enough of. In fact, a woman cannot have too many pairs of shoes. Some even have a pair in each color for every outfit. Others who can afford to spend so much have a specific pair for every outfit that they have. Celebrities even have one for every outfit that they have worn on the red carpet of awards nights and premieres.

But for people who can only afford to purchase a couple of pairs that they will be wearing for most of the outfits in their closets, they will have to choose pairs that are versatile and at the same time stylish enough not to be considered out of mode.

Below are some tips in choosing shoes that look like designer shoes but have no designer prices.

Choose leather

Although buying real leather can be more expensive than buying synthetic leather, the cost will be much cheaper in the long run because leather is more long lasting. You can actually use a pair of leather shoes for a long long time. Just make sure that you store them properly, in areas where it will not be moistened as real leather can become home to molds.

Choose the classic

You don?t have to buy Ferragamo or Jimmy Choo to look good. There are designs that will look just as expensive without being really costly. Because you cannot really buy every design in the store, just choose classic designs that will fit your wardrobe.

Choose the fit

Designer shoes may look designer on the shelves but when you wear them, the shoes are not as great looking anymore. There are pairs like these. This does not mean that the design is not beautiful, the cut and the style just does not fit the structure and form of your feet.

Remember that like body types and face shapes, there are cuts and styles that will fit your feet. Choose the design that does not only look classy but also the one that will make your feet look like a million bucks.

Choose the material

Shoes need not be designer especially when you are going to wear them in rough streets and pavements. Remember that designer shoes may have delicate designs such as glass heels and bead works that may not withstand a walk downtown. When buying shoes, make sure that the material and the kind of design will fit your lifestyle and work.
